MØDET MELLEM KROP OG HORISONT. Sted, sanser, arkitektur: Håndværk og Æstetik i Landskabsarkitektur Studio 2019

Research output: Book/ReportReport


The catalog shows the 2nd year's Bachelor's Landscape Architect's student proposal for a coastal park between Ørestaden and Kalveboderne through excerpts from the students' proposals, process and exhibitions during the course. The project assignment and a number of sub-tasks are included together with the exhibitions in the students' process of acquiring different design and exploration methods, as well as study, reflection and dissemination methods. The catalog thus also shows the course's design pedagogical aim and means. The course thematically explores the meeting between body and horizon concrete in space, abstract in theories and projectively in mediations of drawings, photos, films, text and models.
Translated title of the contributionThe Entanglement of Body and Horizon. Place, Senses, Architecture.: Practice and Aesthetics in Landscape Architecture Studio 2019
Original languageDanish
Place of PublicationKøbenhavn
PublisherInstitut for Geovidenskab og Naturforvaltning, Københavns Universitet
Number of pages226
Publication statusPublished - 2019

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