The Data Storis project focuses on the underlying evidence base for planning and property activity. The Data Stories project consists of charting in micro-detail the planning and property data ecosystem for Dublin - all the databases, their content and their interconnections across state, business, and civic society stakeholders including transnational exchanges. The objective is to take an in-depth look at what data are generated, how they are processed, shared, and governed, and to identify gaps. The project's second phase involves working more closely with 12 sector stakeholders to conduct in-depth case studies. In part, the case studies involve using traditional social science methods to gather information. Still, it also uses research-creation methods involving fiction and art practices by working with artists to produce a set of data stories about and with data. This presentation will enable CIRCLE seminar participants to discuss and deepen the practice of research creation to study digital governance and data management.

Juliette Davret is a PhD in geography. She is a social scientist with great value in interdisciplinary research. Her work is at the intersection of a variety of fields, including social geography, critical data studies, digital geography and science and technology studies. Her research focuses on the analysis of power relations in planning through the analysis of data governance. She is currently a postdoctoral researcher at Maynooth University (Ireland) within the ERC-funded Data Stories project and an INTERSECT visiting research fellow at the University of Copenhagen.

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