I Could Make Impossible Things Happen: Learning from Latina Entrepreneurs to Empower Marginalized Communities

This workshop, led by Dr. Ana Lucia Fonseca, explores the entrepreneurial strategies of Latina business owners in the USA and extrapolates these insights to empower historically marginalized communities globally.

Through her dissertation, "The Magic of the Impossible," Dr. Fonseca investigates how intuitive, spiritual, and relational knowledge contribute to overcoming systemic barriers and fostering business growth. Although focused on Latinas, the findings have broad implications, offering valuable lessons for understanding and supporting marginalized entrepreneurs across different cultural contexts, including European settings.



  • Introduction to context and Relevance: Understand the significance of this research beyond its primary focus, emphasizing its relevance to global entrepreneurial studies.
  • Personal and research journey: Insight into Dr. Fonseca’s motivations and methodologies that led to her groundbreaking work on Latina entrepreneurship.
  • Research overview: Examination of the theoretical frameworks such as Chicana/Latina Feminism, and their applicability to broader contexts of marginalization and entrepreneurship.
  • Key findings: Exploration of five transformative stories that illuminate the entrepreneurial spirit and resilience among Latina business owners.
  • Interactive session: Participants will engage in activities to identify similar forms of capital and entrepreneurial strategies within their own or adjacent communities.
  • Conclusions and recommendations: Discussion on how these entrepreneurial insights can be integrated into educational and business practices worldwide to support and empower marginalized communities.

Learning objectives

  • Gain an understanding of the unique entrepreneurial dynamics within marginalized communities.
  • Apply the concept of community cultural wealth to diverse entrepreneurial ecosystems.
  • Develop strategies to support marginalized entrepreneurs in overcoming barriers and seizing opportunities.

Please email intersect@ku.dk to sign up for the event.


Dr. Ana Lucia Fonseca is an advocate for social change, authenticity, and organizational diversity. She serves as the Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Oregon State University Division of Extension and Engagement. Her role involves fostering an inclusive environment and ensuring Civil Rights compliance. Ana Lucia has an impressive educational background, including a Ph.D. in Language Equity and Education Policy, with a focus on Latina entrepreneurship. She also has a diverse academic background, including a BS in Social Psychology and an MS in Forest Engineering, with a focus on social innovation for community development. Before becoming the DEI Director, Ana Lucia worked as an extension faculty member, where she designed STEM and healthy living curricula that were multilingual and culturally relevant. This reflects her commitment to bridging the gap between people, the environment, and access. Ana Lucia's career includes working with the Federal Mexican Government and collaborating with the International Fund of Agriculture on innovative rural development initiatives for indigenous communities. Ana Lucia is passionate about social justice, the dynamic intersection between innovation and diversity, culturally relevant programming, economic equity, and community economic empowerment. She also serves on the Oregon State Credit Union Board of Directors and the ARCS Foundation for Science in America.

This workshop is tailored for an interdisciplinary audience including educators, policy makers, entrepreneurs, and scholars interested in social entrepreneurship, community development, and diversity in business. It will resonate with European and international attendees who are looking to apply these insights within their own varied cultural and economic landscapes.

Engage with us to discover how the lessons from Latina entrepreneurs in the USA can inform and inspire efforts to support entrepreneurial initiatives among marginalized populations globally, fostering an inclusive environment where diverse experiences are recognized as valuable assets.

Contact: Dr. Ana Lucia Fonseca