6 February 2024

New INTERSECT Research fellows in spring

We are pleased to announce that Juliette Davret and Sean Yuxiang Li will be INTERSECT Research fellows in spring 2024. We are thrilled that they will join our community and look forward to collaborating with them.

Juliette Davret is a Postdoctoral researcher within the Data Stories project (Maynooth University, Ireland). She is a geographer with a great value in interdisciplinary research. Her work is at the intersection of several fields, including social geography, critical data studies and digital geography. Her research focuses on the analysis of power relations in planning, in particular revealing inequalities through qualitative methods. She believes in developing new collaborations at the intersection of arts, humanities and digital technologies to reinforce stakeholders and citizen involvement in planning practices and advocate for more liveable cities.

Sean Yuxiang Li, MAA, is an architect and researcher, with an MA in Political Architecture from the Royal Danish Academy. He works with queer theory and otherness in architecture and has a strong interest in how spatial practice manifests intersectionality and political yet societal changes. His recent works disentangled the arena where urban history, squatter movement in Copenhagen, engaging the untold history, shed lights to the idea of the right to the city. His focus has been presented through publication and events, while providing a platform allow different voice to be heard. He has worked with several NGOs and volunteer works, Architects Without Borders, Emergency Architecture And Human Rights, Caritas, diversity platform for Akademisk Arkitektforeningen. He strongly believes that space and architecture can be the catalyst for change. 
